BIZNET Review | Legit Opportunity Or HYIP Scam?

Biznet review

this is going to be my biznet review and if you want to go to their website it's actually not. Calm it's biznet. PW alright so you're on this video maybe for a couple of different reasons I'm going to dive into biznet and I'm going to go over everything with you guys and I know that something you might be on this video for a couple different reasons some people may have been introduced to biznet right and maybe you had someone tell you about it a family member A co-worker or you came across biznet online and now you're doing your due diligence to check it out before you get started with it maybe you're wondering is this a scam is it not and then you have other people who may be involved maybe you're already involved with biznet and now you're 1 during is this a scam and you're trying to get the lowdown on this I'm going to go into detail and talk to you guys exactly what I believe about business alright and before I do that I do want to let you guys know I have a free ebook called affiliate marketing riches right and I will leave this in the link down below this video where you guys can get this ebook 100% free alright and basically what I do is I go through these 8 steps and I show you step by step how to build a six-figure affiliate marketing business just using the power of the internet affiliate marketing is an insanely profitable business model and I want to teach you guys exactly how to do it for free inside my ebook so with that being said let's get started with biznet okay and I want to talk to you guys about this to give you information on exactly what you're getting into Okay so biznet is a high-yield investment program all right and if you don't know what that is I don't believe I have it up right now but if you go to Wikipedia this is basically what Wikipedia Wikipedia will tell you what I high yield investment program is or a what you would call a hype alright high-yield investment program is basically a program that will invest funds into things like bit coin cryptocurrency or other means stocks bonds whatever it is they will invest into a marketplace with in unrealistic return-on-investment all right and then a lot of times they can be set up like MLM or network marketing companies but the way that these work is they have investors come in and they invest into the program right maybe this is you you were looking into it or you already invested into biznet but people will come in the invest into the program in the way that these were cuz you know they they promised that they have this formula for trading in the 4 X or the cryptocurrency to get a unsustainable High return-on-investment in a lot of times the way that they get this investment is not just by their formula that you know they create in a lot of times it's not true because if it was they wouldn't need to be recruiting people or have new investors come in to bring more cash flow into the system so it happens is they were lie and the way that you would make money is is relying on new investors to come into the program so more people investing into this program and you guys honestly this is a modern-day Ponzi scheme the way that I'm describing this to you that that's what I old investment program is so you may be wondering why would people invest in this right and there are some people who may be on this video where they actually look for high-yield investment programs to invest their money in as they're starting up okay and the reason I do that is because it can be very profitable in the start if you get it right before it crashes but a lot of times to one of two things can happen mostly is what happens with high-yield investment programs you guys as one governments can find out about them and they get shut down from the government all right the next thing you know as you go to the website and it's shut down right that's one thing that can happen the second thing that can happen is when new investor stop coming into the program what's going to happen is they're going to fall in on themselves because there's no more cash flow coming in there's no more new investors bringing in money so investors who started Are no longer getting a return because even though some of these programs promise or return on investment through their system the real way that a lot of them are actually giving people money or creating you know an income return on investment is by those new investors so when new investors stop coming in to a high-yield investment program guess what a lot of times the owner sees that it's falling in on itself they pull them up they pull all the cash out they pull everything out they shut it down 1 a great example of this was called oshu what was it called coin gladiacoin it was called gladiacoin and what happened with so many people you know they would swear by gladiacoin and say all this is this is going to go somewhere and if you go to right now there's nothing to be seen than the website shut down it's not there and so you guys I would be careful if you're looking to invest into net right and you know I want this business to review to be honest with you guys and honestly I don't recommend investing into business because what can happen is so you know and if you do if you go against you know my recommendation here's my advice to you if you invest in a business do not invest more than you're willing to lose all right that's that's I don't know what else to tell you if you're going to invest in a business do not invest more than you're willing to lose you guys so I hope this biznet review help you guys out and kind of give you gave you more information if you didn't know what a high-yield investment program is feel free to search on Wikipedia to basically tell you exactly what I said but you guys I want to remind you I have that affiliate marketing book ebook down below you can get free access and learn how to build a legitimate sustainable business using the power of social media all right learn how to make your $10,000 online all right so you know I love affiliate marketing I think it's a great way for any beginner if you've never made a dime on line one of the best ways to start is with affiliate marketing so you guys I hope you got value out of this this is Nathan Lucas and I'll see you guys later bye for now

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