make money on clickbank 2018

How To Make Money On Clickbank in 2018

If you've been in the online marketing world for even a short period of time there's probably a good chance you've heard of Clickbank (and if you haven't don't worry, I explain exactly what it is below).

Most marketers first look at Clickbank as a goldmind. They think they're going to jump in, find a product, promote it and immediately start making thousands of dollars. If only it were that easy.

So, this begs the question, why do so many marketers believe they can make money with this platform called Clickbank?

The reason... because they see other marketers pulling in some pretty big numbers. It's not uncommon to find experienced marketers making $10,000+ per month with Clickbank as a side income.

I know that may sound too good to be true for some, but for others it's a reality. That's why I'm going to show you exactly how to make money with clickbank in 2018.

  • What is Clickbank & how to make money with it
  • How to pick the best products to promote
  • What are sales funnels and how to use them for Clickbank
  • How to automate the sales process with email marketing
  • How to drive traffic to your products for passive income

What is Clickbank & how to make money with it?

Clickbank is an affiliate network where anyone can go and find products that other people have made and promote them. When someone buys a product because you referred them, you get commissions.

There are thousands of products to choose from on Clickbank, this makes it easier to people to find something they feel good about promoting.

Sometimes, people use products every day and had no idea that it can be found in the Clickbank marketplace.

How to pick the best products?

Usually, the first thing someone does when looking to promote a product from Clickbank is look to see which products will make them the most money. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing to do, it may not be the best product for you to promote.

Because the Clickbank marketplace has so many products to choose from, typically you will be able to find something you're interested in. If you find and promote something you have an interest in, you'll be able to create more content around that topic.

Most marketers will promote something they don't care about; then when they find out that marketing it is hard work, they quit. So, I recommend finding and promoting something you have an interest in so you have more drive to continue with marketing the product.

What are sales funnels and how to use them for Clickbank?

A sales funnels consists of a few pages:

  • 1
    A lead capture page
  • 2
    A thank you page
  • 3
    A Sales page

If you're serious about making money through affiliate marketing you must have a sales funnel in place.

Not using a sales funnel is one of the biggest mistakes most beginner marketers make.

When you use a sales funnel service like Clickfunnels, you can then capture leads. These leads will be put into an autoresponder which is where you can follow-up with prospect at a later time.

I recommend using Clickfunnels for creating landing pages.

How to automate the sales process with email marketing

It shouldn't come to you as a surprise that 90% of people won't buy a product the first time they see it. This is true out in the real world and here online. 

So, if you have someone who came through your capture page because they were interested in what you had to offer but didn't buy, what now?

This is where the power of email marketing comes into play.

When you setup an autoresponder you can send a series of email automatically to your prospects. Remember, these people were already interested in what you had to offer, they just simply didn't buy.

When you have an automated email sequence go out over days or even weeks, you can put the product back in front of them multiple times.

In these email you'll talk about the benefits of the product and when they're ready, they pull the trigger.

Remember, if you don't setup a capture page and autoresponder, you can't continue to market to your prospects.

I recommend using Getresponse as an autoresponder.

How to drive traffic to your products for passive income

Promoting Clickbank products and making money is cool, but you know what's even cooler? 

Promoting Clickbank products once and making passive income over and over.

How is this possible? A little platform you've probably heard called...


YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, which means it gets tons of traffic. So how to we promote Clickbank products on YouTube?

First, You'll have to choose your product. Once you have a product you want to promote, you're going to make a video about it.

Now, don't freak out. If you don't want to be on camera, i'm going to show you how you can do this without even turning a camera on.

You can create videos yourself for FREE using something called ADOBE SPARK.

This allows you to create slides and voice over videos very easily.

Don't want to do that? Here's how to you outsource it.

Go to and pay someone to make a video for you about the product you want to promote.

Getting people to your capture page

When you upload your video to YouTube, put your capture page link in the very top of the description. This is where people can click and go to your page. On your thank you page have a button that goes to your Clickbank product.

Also, as you can see what I did in the example video above with Adobe Spark, I put a call to action at the end of the video. This is where you'll tell people to click the link in the description.

Video SEO

One thing I must mention is you have to optimize your video for YouTube and Google. This is where you're telling these platforms what your video is about.

Here are the things you must optimize:

  • Video Title
  • Description
  • Tags

If you don't take the time to optimize your video, than creating the video is just a big waste of time, so be sure not to skip this step.

I go into farther detail about optimizing your videos in the video here on this page so be sure to watch that.

And that's it my friend

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    • Nathan Lucas says:

      Thank you Lilian, great to have you!

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