video marketing trends

Top 14 Video Marketing Trends That Will Be Everywhere in 2020

It’s a new year and that means new video marketing trends, but do you know what the top trends will be? Knowing the top video marketing trends will make you stand out, get exposure, and bring home the sale. To see what the top 15 video marketing trends are for 2020 keep reading below. 

1. Live Videos

Live videos are a great way to connect with your follower base and show how products can be used. You can even throw a launch party in real-time to make your followers feel included and as if they are a VIP.

Live videos can be broadcasted on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram to name a few. Some say that Facebook Live is something that will die in 2020 but other live videos will live on. 

The reason that live videos do so well is that it provides a human element to the product or service you’re trying to sell or promote. It even allows viewers to ask questions and get answers in real-time. Overall live video is a great way to hook your customers and create a relationship that will lead to a sale.

2. Videos Will Become Shoppable

Shoppable videos are a trend that’s picking up traction and going to be one of the video marketing trends of 2020. These videos are ads that feature direct links to the products featured.

This makes it easy for the customer to buy items directly from the video they are watching and for you to land a sale. Since these links and features are getting more sophisticated, buying directly from the video is something that may be in our near future. 

3. 360 Technology Will Become More Sophisticated

Interactive 360 videos may be something that will become the biggest video trend of 2020. This is because 360 videos and photos are pretty popular right now. 

As AR and VR get more popular and grow a bigger user base, this futuristic video style will become more prominent. The only downside is that currently, 360 videos aren’t the easiest video to shoot and produce. They require the right kind of equipment that can cost a pretty penny.

If you decide to invest in 360 videos it may pay for itself. This will set you aside from other competitors that don’t shoot in 360 and also be more eyecatching for your customers. 

4. Vlogs

Vlogging is a very popular thing in the internet world. Some may make fun of vlogs and vloggers but the reality is that these videos are hard to ignore. Since vlogs are everywhere and can get great exposure, they are a great way to market.

We predict that vlogs will stay a popular video trend in 2020. This is because they are easy to make, edit, and place in front of your customers. Plus there are so many platforms that your vlogs can be posted on to reach a bigger audience.

Since these videos are usually free to film and post it’s a no brainer as to why they are a great marketing tool. To be honest, we don’t see vlogging going out of style anytime soon so now is the perfect time to jump on the bandwagon. 

5. The Searchability of Videos Will Increase

Videos have become a core feature of many websites and social media platforms. In the past few years, we have seen videos be implemented into our daily apps one way or another, and even search engines have caught on.

When you search on Google or any other search engine your results will usually include a few videos that relate or are the exact keyword of what you put into the search bar. Due to these videos are becoming an organic search result, which means your marketing game can get more traction.

To make sure you’re taking advantage of this trend you need to optimize your videos. You should also be thinking of your videos just like any other blog post. The way you optimize your keywords for posts can be done to videos to get more search results. 

6. Training and Education Videos Will Be Trending

Webpages, blogs, and videos that are related to training and education make up a large sector of the internet. It even makes up a good size of the videos on the internet too. This is a trend that is very popular and will continue to gain traction in 2020.

With this said you should use this trend to your marketing advantage. Create a how-to for the product you’re promoting or trying to sell. It’s also a good idea to create an informative video on the product. 

Since these trends are popular you will ping for the results on how to use or what is a search on the product you’re promoting. This means more exposure for your channel, website, social media, or blog and the higher chance of landing a sale. 

7. Stories Will Also Be Trending

Stories can be looked at as another form of vlogging, but if you’re just using your social media to market your product then you should be utilizing the story feature. This is a thing that has been trending for a while and 2020 isn’t an exception.

Stories are created in the moment and can be used to show a product and how you personally use it, relating to the viewer in a way a big marketing campaign can’t. Most platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube have a story feature which means you can reach a wide audience by posting these videos.

Stories are meant to look unprofessional and personal. So don’t worry about editing or making the video look flawless, customers like to see every day people like them and this trend will do just that. 

8. To Make Life Easier, Videos Will Be Optimized for Each Social Platform

2020 is a new year and we believe that all videos will be optimized for each social platform. This will help to enhance your viewer’s experience and will make sure your videos are high quality while meeting the minimum specifications for each social platform.

Videos will be able to be cross-posted and still maintain their resolution. This means you can reach a wide audience with minimum effort. 

9. You Will Be Able to Target Segmented Audiences

A trend that is bound to creep up anytime soon are videos with captions or messages targeted to specific audience groups. These messages will be very targeted and a customer-first basis.

The reason for this selective engagement is to make customers feel special and as if they are getting VIP treatment. This will then lead to higher customer engagement, more sales, and more exposure for your profile. 

All you have to do is narrow down your custom audience and target them. Of course, your custom audience may vary from social platform to social platform but just make sure to do the work and know who you want to reach and single out.

An example is creating a video for those who have watched a certain number of videos on your page. After a viewer has hit the requirement they will then have access to this VIP video you created. The best part is you can throw some affiliate marketing into these videos and your viewer may feel more inclined to buy the product since they feel special.

10. Video Marketing Within Google Ads 

Video marketing in Google Ads is a trend that is going to dominate the year. This is because it’s a smart way to get your videos out there and will be shown to a vast number of searchers as long as they fit your specified demographics.

Google’s video ads appear across a lot of platforms such as Youtube or on Display Network sites. Youtube has a lot of viewers alone so when you market your video on the platform you’re being exposed to thousands of people who will have to watch your ad to get to the content they want.

Even though this may seem a bit forced, the viewer may become interested in your product and then use your link to buy it. This means more exposure for you and hopefully a sale to put some extra cash in your pocket. 

11. Showing Will Be More Trendy Than Explaining

We have all watched a video where someone starts by telling their life story for 30 minutes and then they get on with the demonstration. There are even some voice overs that turn viewers off, having them close out and go onto watching a competitor’s video.

We believe 2020 will be the year of showing products and not explaining them. Since video allows us to show and test a product through visuals, sometimes talking isn’t needed to explain what can already be seen. 

12. More Video Platforms

Websites and applications are being created daily. With this said, we think 2020 will bring more trendy video platforms for your marketing needs.

The best way to take up this trend is to keep an eye out on websites and social media. What platforms are being noted and shared often? The last year Tik Tok really blew up and became a new video platform that people loved.

As long as you keep up with the trends you can market accordingly through your videos. As of right now, we don’t know what the new trendy video platform will be for 2020 but we do know it’s on the horizon. 

13. Silent Videos Will Be on the Rise

How many times have you scrolled over a video just to keep the sound off and watch it with subtitles? We have all done it and it seems to be a thing that’s rising in popularity with a lot of consumers.

The best thing about silent videos is that they can be watched anywhere. If you’re on a loud subway car and don’t have headphones to listen to the video you can just read the subtitles. If you’re in a quiet space and don’t want to disrupt others you can read the video.

Additionally, the video scripts that are made for the subtitles to be pulled from can help with your search engine optimization or SEO. By implementing keywords into your script your video will ping on search engines and reach a wider audience.

So, with the rising popularity in silent videos, we know it’s a no brainer that it’s one of the biggest video marketing trends in 2020. It is convenient for both the viewer and video creator and is really a win-win situation.

14. Immersive Ads Are on the Rise

Another one of the biggest trends we will see is a rise in immersive ads. Immersive ads work by giving the user a feel for what their life would be like if and after they bought the product being marketed.

This will really hook, line, and sinker the client by making them see why they need the product and how it can make their lives better. This type of advertising is foolproof and is going to be one of the biggest and most effective video marketing trends this year. 

Now You Know the Top Video Marketing Trends

We have told you about the top video marketing trends so you can make great videos to market your products that are effective. From video ads that immerse the viewer and show them why they can’t live without the product at hand to a more personal video marketing technique of stories, you have the tools and information to really bring home your next marketing video.

For more information on online marketing and affiliate marketing be sure to check out the rest of our website here

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