
The Important Things You Need to Know About CoSchedule

CoSchedule is a marketing project management platform covering editorial and marketing calendar tools to enable you to plan out all of your online marketing efforts. It’s a marketing manager’s online tool belt.

You will be able to optimize all of your content from blogging to social media to podcasting to videos and more.

But there is so much more to CoSchedule than simply saying it is a “great tool” take a look at this comprehensive review where we will go through all the available features in CoSchedule.

Nice to Look at and Even Nicer to Use

You will find CoSchedule aesthetically appealing. If there’s one thing that marketers demand, it’s to have good content. The last thing someone who creates and curates content all day wants to look at is subpar graphics with poor quality fonts. The calendar is easy to use and helps the user to identify gaps and plan out a long term strategy timeline.

Alterations and changes are easily made. It works well for managing a team with multiple users.

Large scale projects with many components and people to take care of each task and different tasks are all easily managed through CoSchedule. You can share a calendar through a read-only function making it easy for management to clearly communicate expectations to staff.

You can even generate a performance report so your employees know exactly how they’re doing on their projects. You can integrate with any social network, Microsoft word, WordPress, and the list goes on.  

Benefits of CoSchedule

The highlighted feature is the all-in-one marketing planner for a team of many different people. Easy to understand graphics make the visual views pleasing and the information accessible across the board to many different types of marketers.

Your team will find it easy to use with simple drag and drop functions and seamless integrations across many different types of marketing platforms and software.

The price tag is reasonable because you are getting an incredible bang for your buck. Spending a little bit of time planning will save a lot of time fixing problems that occur from miscommunication. Having a plan laid out will avoid last-minute content creation. Event planning and staff management just got easier as well!

Customer service is easy to contact and helpful.

CoSchedule as a Content Marketing Planner

Content marketers will enjoy the ability to batch-produce content for consistency. You will be able to consolidate every task into one single marketing campaign. This will allow your team to pull resources from one location. Y

ou will be able to make custom workflows for specific owners and deadlines. An in-app chat will keep the team in contact and keep from your workers feeling outside the project’s click.

Sharing files between multiple users has never been easier and project details are shared effortlessly.

Adjustments from the entire team will be easy and quick to achieve.

CoSchedule For Organization

Marketers are creatives in their hearts. Most marketers have a passion for one of the arts depending on their individual focus. Creatives are not known for being the most organized people. This is where CoSchedule comes in to save the day. The first place they begin to help with organization is with custom color labels.

Color labels help you personalize, emphasize, and prioritize your tasks. You can create custom filters for your menu. The most helpful is the saved calendar views. That way instead of searching and researching your calendar-your most used information is always there a click away. 

The more you have going on, the more money you can make, however, it also means the more stressed you’re going to be. That’s where being organized is so important. With CoSchedule, you are one click away from being able to view all of your projects and their timelines at once.

This means that your employees are as well. This makes communication effortless and cuts out wasting time in repetitive meetings. It will also prevent you from overbooking your team. 

Having all of your projects and your employees on one timeline is critical and the most important feature of CoSchedule.

Allowing everyone access to all the information when they need it can minimize complaining about being kept out of the loop. Keep on top of your plan for your project timeline.

Your visual timeline of every project so you can plan days, weeks, and months in advance for important marketing campaigns and events. Adjustments will be easier and more effectively communicated from team member to team member. You will not miss a deadline if you use CoSchedule to manage your team.

You will easily be able to identify your top performers.

CoSchedule for Social Media Management

Consistency is a struggle for any business on social media. You can manage all your social media on CoSchedule without having to flip from webpage to webpage making your life easier and effortless. There are so many different platforms that can offer you a wealth of potential customers on each network.

CoSchedule offers a calendar to plan out all your social media posts for the day, week, month and beyond. You will easily be able to integrate them with other marketing tools. 

You will be able to coordinate across many different platforms and post hundreds of posts at once. You can schedule your content to auto-post and have CoSchedule posting for you in your off time. You can create a set of social media updates for a particular blog post and schedule them right in CoSchedule.

It integrates with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google + and more. 

CoSchedule makes it easier for your audience to share your message. CoSchedule runs that analytics for you and tells you when is the best time for the post to go live so it becomes viral. You will have access to cross-platform analytics of your campaign and be able to see what works and what needs to be adjusted.

Even if your posts are on autopilot, you can easily pause a campaign even when you are out of the office if it is no longer an ideal time to post. 

CoSchedule as a Content Manager

Content is king for a marketing company. Your company is only as good as your best content so take the guessing work out of finding the best content with CoSchedule. Reviewing your best content and re-share it for increased visibility.

It may seem repetitive but it has advantages that will astound you. CoSchedule makes it easy and fun.

Utilizing CoSchedule in order to see your best performing posts with an option to re-share on social media. The more you understand what your audience is looking for, the easier it will be for you to find the most successful campaigns in the future. You will maximize the mileage from the hard work you put into your content with CoSchedule.

Tags are another great tool to help you organize your content. You can use color-coded tags to manage what types of content you are creating, who on your team is in charge of which content and utilize a chrome extension plug-in to find the best content around the web to keep your team motivated.

The Headline analyzer will give you the perfect headline for all of your posts. 

CoSchedule: The All-In-One Marketing Manager

The world of digital media marketing is growing and all-consuming. There’s also a whole world outside of computers where people live their day to day lives. How can you as a marketer find a balance between the digital and the real world?

Making the most of your time spent on the computer is the first way to make sure that you can get back to enjoying the real world. CoSchedule gives you a bird’s eye view of every campaign, podcast, blog post, live event, webinar, viral video and meme that your team is about to launch. They make it easy to keep up to date with messages from your followers so you don’t look unresponsive.

Once you get an overall view of your campaign it will be easier to see gaps and mistakes. You can close up the loopholes, make your clients happy and have your team running at an efficient pace feeling valued and well-informed. 


Many platforms have tried to reach the level of integration that CoSchedule has achieved but they have fallen short. Web tools such as Google Docs, Evernote, Google Analytics, Zapier, Google Calendar and more make it effortless to move into one platform for all of your organization needs.

The social media connections are incredible:  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest all have reports at your fingertips. Email marketing through MailChimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, or Active Campaign can all be run through CoSchedule. WordPress easily plugs in for the web designing marketing teams.

CoSchedule Academy

Digital Media Marketing is nothing if it’s not ever-changing. Train your team online easily with the CoScheduling academy. It’s important to stay at the top of your game. Help your employees advance their skill levels so you can take on more clients. Keep yourself knowledgeable about changes in the field.

Continuing education is at your fingertips with CoSchedule. You can also listen to the Podcasts on the latest marketing tricks of the trade. 

Performance Reviews

No one likes to be the bad guy when performance review time comes around. You won’t have to be if you have CoSchedule. Easy to read performance graphs allow you to easily explain to your employees’ areas in which they need to improve.

It also helps you to easily identify peak times in your team’s performance making it easier for you to repeat the habit. CoSchedule will deliver reports to your inbox on a weekly or monthly basis.

Performance Enhancer

Overall CoSchedule is an excellent performance enhancer for any marketing company. You will easily be able to manage your team effectively and keep up to date on everything you need to know for your clients. The worst thing is to be blindsided by a client asking you about a new trick or change to a social media platform that they learned about by attending a lecture at the local library or chamber of commerce. 

Your team will need less time to have meetings and get each other on the same page. Everything they need to know is already available right there on their work computer. This ideal for teams working together remotely or from different work locations.

Your social media campaigns will be given super juice as you can begin lining up hundreds of social media posts across all of your accounts at once. This will give you more time to get out of the office and enjoy the real world. 

Price Points

There are six different price points with at least three different price brackets ranging anywhere from $20 to $650 a month. This makes CoSchedule flexible for any type of marketing company or an independent contractor.

While larger firms may have a greater advantage of using CoSchedule, small individuals may also enjoy getting organized for their marketing campaigns. 

Next Steps: Try CoSchedule Out For Yourself!

CoSchedule is one of the more popular tools that is gaining even more popularity as time goes on.

Depending on your marketing needs, this could prove to be a valuable tool to help keep your business organized so you can focus on growth!

Speaking of growth, Freedom Influencer specializes in helping businesses grow. Take a look at our library of resources in our blog and give us a call to get started.

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