You might have great content on your site and you might be ready to roll with your affiliate links! However, you are not going to make any money if you aren’t using traffic generation strategies.
Building a loyal reader base and ensuring that you are reaching new audiences is the bread and butter of affiliate marketing.
Using the wrong techniques can slow down from reaching the top, so we want to give you 20 tips to help increase traffic generation to your website and start earning money today!
Page Contents
1. Create a Course

If you’ve seen a YouTube video or gone to a site where someone is selling SEO services or Amazon affiliate classes, you’ve seen a course offered. This is because creating a course is extremely effective in having repeat visitors to your site!
If someone pays for a course, even if it’s only a few bucks, they will continue to return to try and get their value from the course they bought. Some people will finish the course and some won’t, but having even a short period of time where people feel obligated to visit your site is huge for driving repeat customers.
2. Email Subscription
When you have the ability for people to subscribe to your site, it creates a chance for you to remind them about your blog as often as you want! Plus there are tons of services that will do this for you, so you don’t have to draft an email every day.
Services like MailChimp or ConstantContact give you the ability to automate when emails are sent out to your subscribers. Every time you update your services or post a blog can be a new reminder that your services are out there ready to be used.
3. Prove You’re An Expert in Your Business

The way to get to the top of Google is to prove you’re an expert in your field! Getting to the top of Google takes time (typically 3-6 months) and it takes a lot of different methods to prove you’re an expert.
Proving your an expert typically takes having daily information provided and being mentioned on other people’s sites. Doing these two steps are the basics of becoming an expert in your business, but there are many more things you can do on your site to prove yourself to Google.
4. Share on Twitter
Every social media outlet is an opportunity to expand the number of people that are viewing your site. Twitter is not an exception. Having a large amount of Twitter followers can drive traffic to your site quickly.
Make sure you’re tweeting a few times a week to keep people involved. The more frequent you post and the more consistent you are, the more likely it is that you drive more traffic to your site.
5. Get People to Mention You in Their Content

This is where having content on other people’s sites pays off. If your site is linked to another site, it tells Google that other people vouch for your business. This method is typically called guest posting and it is extremely powerful.
Having another site with great website rankings mention you in their content moves you up on the list of people who know their niche. Getting to know people and having them help you move up the list of relevant people is extremely important.
6. Share on Facebook
Facebook still remains at the forefront of daily activities for people. If you’re able to establish a business page and route it back to your site, you can create a community that is constantly coming back.
Facebook attracts people of all ages, and if someone follows your business page, you can post a few times to a week to keep your site in mind. Everything starts small. If you stay consistent though, social media has the potential to be the centerpiece of your traffic generation strategies.
7. Create a Blog

Having a blog is the number one way that people recommend for driving traffic to your site. Having written content on your subject with great keywords is how you show you’re an expert to Google.
Having a blog is the center of SEO traffic generation. You can advertise with a blog and use it to keep people interested in your site. If your content is quality, then your business will continue to grow.
Blogging gives your site credibility, information to digest, and content that your clientele wants to come back for. If you aren’t blogging or outsourcing blogs, you need to start now. Without content to prove yourself to Google, you’ll never reach your maximum potential.
8. Reach Out to Other Experts in Your Field
There are always more established people in your niche, and there are many networks that are built to help newcomers out. You should look for companies that are established but not competing with you and ask them if you can post on their website.
Many people are willing to help new businesses out, and posting on a more established site is a good way to give your business credibility. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and ask for help when just starting up.
9. Share on Pinterest

A site that isn’t mentioned a lot currently for boosting SEO is Pinterest. About 250 million people use Pinterest per month, and it is an undersaturated market for people in affiliate marketing.
If you want traffic generation from Pinterest, it is as easy as making pins and linking those pins back to your site! People are scrolling quickly through Pinterest and viewing a lot of content every day.
This creates the perfect situation where a large number of people can be seen every day. If you are posting frequently enough, you’ll also gain a following that will look at whatever you post when you post it.
Having a following is an extremely powerful tool and adding Pinterest into your social media toolbox can help drive traffic to your site quickly. Design a cool graphic and let everyone know that you’re making content that needs to be seen!
10. Start a Podcast
Starting a podcast can be daunting, but it can pay back huge dividends in traffic generation. Creating content that people find reliable and valuable is what keeps a website growing and selling.
There is a ton of information on the internet about how to start your own podcast. If you keep going with it, people will tune in every week to hear you talk about whatever you’re an expert in. Having entertaining, informational video content can be the pinnacle of getting people to go to you first.
11. Vary Your Content

With all of these different options being mentioned, it is important that you vary your content. This is because the more variety you have in your content, the higher you’ll rank on Google.
Additionally, you can reach a wider audience with different types of content. Some people spend their whole day on Facebook and never use YouTube, Twitter, or Pinterest. This means it’s important to be on as many platforms as possible to spread your influence.
12. Syndicate Your Content
Many people do not know that you can syndicate your content on other websites to reach a broader audience!
When you syndicate your content, what you are doing is republishing your already existing content onto other sites so that you can reach new readers.
Make sure to syndicate your content correctly so that you are giving credit to the original post! Otherwise, this could be a red flag for Google. Tons of SEO companies offer this service for a reasonable price, get started today.
13. Become a Referral Program

Creating your own referral program can drive a lot of traffic to your website. At this point, you have key influencers on the internet pushing your content so that they can make money.
This creates a system where people are working on driving traffic to your site for you. You can then give them a little money back for their efforts and keep some of the profits for yourself. It is a win-win for everyone!
14. Use Relevant Keywords
It is essential to target relevant keywords on your site! This can be achieved by creating a weekly or monthly blog.
Find out what people are searching on Google about your niche, and tailor your content to this information! Then the next time someone types in something related to your niche, your site is more likely to pop up.
With tons of free keyword tools out there, this step is easy to start as early as today.
15. Start a YouTube Channel

YouTube continues to be a place where millions of people go every day for content. Ranking on YouTube is its own challenge, but even having a thousand loyal viewers can turn into a lot of traffic for your site.
You don’t have to make it big on YouTube to drive some traffic to your website. If you are posting content once a week or even every other week, you’ll have loyal followers who talk about you to their friends.
16. One Up the Competition’s Content
This may seem a little underhanded at first, but looking at your competition and making your content address the next stages of their process can drive traffic to your site.
Your site can become the site where they go after they view your competition to get the answers to the questions they were asking while they read. This is easier then you’d think, and it really doesn’t hurt their site. It just drives their traffic to your site second.
17. Go To External Sites and Answer Questions

There are amazing sites out there where people post questions and ask for advice constantly. Quora, Reddit, Facebook, and other blogs all have comments sections and help forums.
You can simply sign up or follow the help forums or pages and answer people’s questions. Then have a nice signature at the bottom of your answer saying who you are and where your website is. People will love your advice and click through to your website to see more!
18. Do a Giveaway
If one thing is true, it is that everybody loves free stuff. Spending a few extra dollars out of your own pocket to set up a giveaway on your site is going to seriously generate traffic!
Giving away one of the products you are promoting on your site is going to not only going to drive traffic to your page, but it is also going to show your audience that you truly believe in the product! Building trust is the ultimate way to drive sales, so don’t underestimate the power of this tip.
Make sure the requirements for entering your giveaway include the person “tagging” a friend or “sharing” your content/post! Then people will do the work of marketing for you and drive viewers to your page!
19. Use Paid Ads on Facebook and Google

With billions of users, do not shy away from paying for an ad on Facebook and Google. These platforms are the number one places people are finding their information, and you want your site to appear on these pages!
It is a misconception that people do not click on paid advertisements. Alternatively, viewers are going to see that the business is established and legitimate.
The bottom line is that people cannot use your affiliate links if they do not know about your site! Paying for an advertisement on Facebook and Google is going to make it so that your site reaches thousands of new viewers.
20. Update Old Content
A step that is often overlooked is updating your old content! Making sure that your old content is updated is going to show your audience that you are keeping up with the latest trends and that you are a trustworthy source.
It is recommended to update your old content every six months. While this might sound tedious, this will actually save you the time of generating a bunch of new content every week! Make this update a part of your blog posting cycle and watch the traffic flood in.
Start Using the Best Traffic Generation Strategies Today
Now that you know the best traffic generation strategies!
The best way to make it in affiliate marketing is to be an expert in your niche and build trust with your audience. Keeping your content fresh, targeting keywords, and sharing your content in creative ways is going to be what sets you apart.
Want to learn even more about affiliate marketing? Check out my blog!